Thank You: Matt McKnzi’s Swan Song

by Marcus Adetola

20th May, 2024

Thank You: Matt McKnzi’s Swan Song

The curtain call has arrived for Matt McKnzi’s Ghost Stories chapter, but he ensures the farewell is far from forgettable.

Thank You stands as the epilogue track, yet it pierces with a profundity that elevates it far beyond mere closing remarks.

Matt’s soulful croon unveils an intimate retrospection, unravelling life’s intricacies through a cathartic musical embrace.

Matt McKnzi Ghost Stories album cover
Matt McKnzi Ghost Stories album cover

Melancholic tones pervade the instrumental tapestry, their melancholic hues casting a pensive ambiance.

Yet, within this introspective realm, Matt McKnzi’s vocals radiate a warmth akin to the gentle glow of a hearth.

His words ebb and flow with a gratefulness that defies the sombre currents, an alchemy of soul-baring honesty and optimistic resilience.

The lyrics dance with a disarming vulnerability, a poetic excavation of past turmoil and the hard-won lessons that emerged from the debris.

Matt McKnzi’s candour dispels the illusion of perfection, embracing the flaws and missteps that paved his journey.

“I don’t blame you for the mess that you made,” he croons, a mantra of understanding that echoes through the human experience.

Amidst the slow-tempo arrangement, his performance becomes a healing balm, a cathartic respite from the weight of the world.

Thank You emerges as a soulful exhalation, a release of the burdens carried, and a celebration of the growth that bloomed from adversity’s fertile soil.

It’s a musical embrace, enveloping the listener in a tapestry of vulnerability and resilience.

Matt McKnzi’s swan song for this chapter isn’t a typical farewell; it’s a resounding affirmation that the most profound journeys often begin with the courage to confront one’s shadows.

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Matt McKnzi Thank You Lyrics

I’m okay
Hmmm, hmmm, hummm

I been doin’ alright by myself
I been takin’ my time to heal
I been doin’ alright by me
And now the people I love are real

I don’t blame you for the mess that you made
Cause nobody told you how to do it differently
I don’t blame you for hurting me 
Cause we both said things that we don’t mean

I’m a little bit anxious baby
Cause you’re snoopin’ back around here lately
I’m a little bit cold ‘cause I’m feeling like it all
Could come crashing down on me

So I guess this is it, I just wanted to thank you
You did your best and, I just wanted to thank you

Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh mmm, mmm

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