· Lucy Lerner · Reviews
Reminisce With Color Fields And Their New Single Pendulum
![<p>Color Fields has released their gorgeous new single Pendulum with a nostalgic black and white music video alongside. The song is about the many phases and facets of love and despite a melancholic undertone, the chorus is pure euphoria. The change in tempo reflects the pendulum which swings back and forth from love to anger, […]</p>](/_image?href=https%3A%2F%2Fneonmusic.online%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F08%2FColor-Fields1.jpg&w=900&h=506&f=webp)
Color Fields has released their gorgeous new single Pendulum with a nostalgic black and white music video alongside. The song is about the many phases and facets of love and despite a melancholic undertone, the chorus is pure euphoria. The change in tempo reflects the pendulum which swings back and forth from love to anger, and from youth to growing old. If the song itself doesn’t tug at your heartstrings then the visuals certainly will.
I remember when,
I remember when we were young
It’s in my blood, it’s in my veins,
it’s in the hopes that I can change your heart
I see my love in summer clothes, sandals and your toes,
I see you in the window that just never seems to close
I remember when, I remember when we were bold
Color Fields is John Torres (guitar, bass, vocals, production) and Scott Packham (keyboards, synthesizers, programming, production). Pendulum is the title track of the duo’s debut EP and the video was directed by Color Fields, Alex Gonzalez and Lindsay Thompson and Edited by John Torres and Lindsay Thompson.
Pendulum is a tightly knitted song with some exceptional elements – the emotion is transparent through heart-wrenching vocals and tenderly played instruments.