· Lucy Lerner · Reviews
Goodbye Is A Retrospective Chronicle of Grace Gillespie
![<p>Goodbye is a retrospective chronicle of Grace Gillespie and a song which many music artists can relate to. It’s about trying to break through an impossible industry, dealing with financial responsibility and giving up on a life long dream. “Maybe now it’s time to sell all my guitars See what’s left of me under the […]</p>](/_image?href=https%3A%2F%2Fneonmusic.online%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F03%2FScreen-Shot-2020-03-14-at-21.51.51-compressor.jpg&w=900&h=506&f=webp)

Goodbye is a retrospective chronicle of Grace Gillespie and a song which many music artists can relate to. It’s about trying to break through an impossible industry, dealing with financial responsibility and giving up on a life long dream.
“Maybe now it’s time to sell all my guitars
See what’s left of me under the sea of tangled wires”
Grace Gillespie chronicles this and more in her new release. However, she soon realises she doesn’t want to give up or say goodbye to her passion.
“But I don’t want to say goodbye
I’m not afraid of dying now I’m afraid to be alive”
Goodbye is a fitting song in so many ways and teaches us not to give up. It’s about finding peace with a difficult decision and the motivation and hope that carries you forward.
“I wrote ‘Goodbye’ after putting two of my much-loved guitars up on eBay. I put them up for unrealistic prices, no part of me truly wanted them to sell, but I suppose on some level I thought that my life of music had to begin to end for me. I needed the money from the guitars, but I also needed the guitars to record, to play live and for my own sanity. The song for me represents that two-way pull: barely surviving whilst making music, but knowing I would never survive if I didn’t make music.” – Grace Gillespie
Goodbye is delivered with pure vocals and simple melodic lines via a soothing country-blues style. It is a fitting name for a song that will be the final single released by independent label Kaleidoscope as it takes a break this year.