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Exclusive Interview With The Greys As They Release Debut EP
![<p>“Our music paints a picture of how we see the world.“ LA-based sibling trio The Greys release their debut EP today amongst much excitement. We caught up with the band to find out more about them. How would you describe your musical style?Sydney – We like to say our music is “Underground-Pop”. It’s a contradiction […]</p>](/_image?href=https%3A%2F%2Fneonmusic.online%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F09%2Fthe-greys.jpg&w=900&h=506&f=webp)

“Our music paints a picture of how we see the world.“
LA-based sibling trio The Greys release their debut EP today amongst much excitement. We caught up with the band to find out more about them.
How would you describe your musical style?
Sydney – We like to say our music is “Underground-Pop”. It’s a contradiction but we love to break the rules. Melodically we always find ourselves somewhere within the pop world, but Jayden’s production can steer each track in a completely different direction.
Tell me about your debut EP ‘Unfortunately the Response Has Been Less Than Enthusiastic’
Silas – The EP is so much more than it seems. It tells a story of us beating the odds and overcoming all the obstacles that we must face while pursuing a music career in Los Angeles. I think it perfectly captures all the emotions we have felt on our journey and we hope it will help inspire other people to keep pushing through whatever obstacles they are going through as well.
What is your favourite track on the EP and why?
Sydney – Right now, my favorite song is “Season of the Lonely”. Something about it just gets me excited for the future. The whole idea behind the track is finding the silver lining in situations that suck. LOL. So, it just reminds me to stay positive.
Silas – My favorite track is “Make You Famous” because it’s hype and it makes me wanna jump around.
Jayden – My favorite track is always changing to be honest, but the song that always hits me is “Good Love”. There’s something about it that is new and refreshing. It’s the record where Pop meets true ambience.
Walk me through your writing process
Jayden – The writing process is different every time. Sometimes, I will start with a dope track and other times, just our voices and the piano. There are times when Silas or Sydney will come to me with an idea, and there are times that I will show them a song I made and get their opinion. We all trust each other and value each other’s opinions highly. However, every song is very different in how it was made and put together.
Is there a hidden meaning or message in any of your music?
Silas – I can’t think of a song that we have where there is not a message. That’s the whole point of our music. It’s full of lessons, pain, happiness, trials, and many other things that we have gone through. Our music paints a picture of how we see the world.
How did the ideas for the ‘Drama’ music video come about?
Sydney – For the ‘Drama’ video, we wanted to capture complete chaos. I was trying to think of different ways that drama could be spread about, and that’s when I came up with the newspaper boy concept. Especially with all the uproar today about “fake news”, I thought it would be cool to put a modern-day spin on it. That then spiraled us into a world of ideas, such as Jayden on the playground, which is where most kids are first exposed to being picked on, then of course I am in a dunk tank which is just a big metaphor for all the “friends” along the way that have wanted to see us fail. It’s all a very cute way to let them know, their drama and gossip didn’t phase us.
You are a sibling band – how do you manage any creative difference?
Jayden – Getting past creative differences is quite the challenge sometimes, and I’d be lying if I said that we have mastered it and don’t have differences. For all you artists out there, or just dreamers in general,you need to know that the greatest differences within the group or (team) are the greatest strengths! It’s about finding your role and the most efficient way for you to help it move forward. You can’t be in it with a prideful heart. You must remember it’s NOT just your vision, and then be willing to take the back seat sometimes, if necessary. My siblings and I argue all the time about what we think is best, but we have realized that we all just LOVE what we do and want it to be amazing! Your love for what you do needs to be bigger than any walls you run into. If you can get that down, then you can’t be stopped.
Who were your musical influences while growing up?
Silas – Honestly, our mom. She was a successful Christian singer that traveled around the country performing. I remember us traveling on tour with her, going from venue to venue, to venue, watchingher perform. I think our mom is a big reason that we’re doing this.
What lyrics, written by you or otherwise, have really resonated with you?
Sydney – “Something that I’ve never tried, is to be alone in parades” really resonates with me. I’ve just been in such a place of self-discovery recently and learning to have so much fun with myself.
Jayden – “Oh I will make a way, Keeping your eyes above the waves, Look at me, look at me, I’ll give you all that you need cuz I’ve got that Good love.” These lyrics hit me hard because I get so tired of trying to do this on my own, with my own strength. Us humans can run dry very fast on our own, but God will never run dry and is the key to unlimited Love!
Silas – I think the lyrics “We just need some good love” resonates with me, because it redefines love. It separates human love from divine love that only God can give.
Which artists / tracks have you been listening to lately?
Sydney – We’ve been listening to a lot of Billie Eilish, Lucky Daye, Bon Iver, Tame Impala, Spencer Sutherland, Frank Ocean, Rosalia, the list goes on!
If you weren’t making music, what else do you think you would be doing?
Jayden – This question always throws me off because, honestly, I just don’t know what I would do if I didn’t make music. I think it’s very important to be passionate about what you do! You have to love it. See, I played sports when I was a kid and love it, but the moment my hands touched production, I was obsessed with it since I was 12 years old! There was no match, I fell in love with it, and have literally produced almost every day since. That being said, if I wasn’t in a group with my siblings, I would have probably gone to school to learn how to score music and do sound-design/folly. I love movies and think the process of how one is put together is amazing. Silas would probably start his own church, and Sydney would be an Entertainment Lawyer.
What are the biggest challenges you face in the music industry?
Jayden – The biggest challenge for us has been fighting for what we believe in and trusting it. We’ve had A&R’s, PR companies, and Label Executives all tell us to change our name and our music. That can be a little discouraging at times and can make you question yourself for a bit. But we’ve had to remind ourselves that WE made this group and WE are the music and the brand.
How much time do you each spend on social media per day?
Sydney – I’d say I spend a healthy amount, but I am definitely not a stranger to the ‘Gram’.
Jayden – I’m on social media way too much, always checking on my friends and staying up to date withwho is dropping music. It’s very important to get off of it though and take time to be with yourself and love yourself!
Silas – Honestly, not enough. Sydney always get on me about posting more. I really need to start being more active.
3 things you cannot live without
Silas – Jesus, Music and Each Other.
Dream music artist dinner party (alive/deceased)
Mac Miller, Jon Bellion, Michael Jackson, Frank Ocean,
Chris Martin, Rihanna, Yebba, Bon Iver
Guilty pleasures
Sydney – True Crime Podcasts
Jayden – Movies – I freaking love those things.
Silas – Pizza
If you could start your music career all over again, what would you change?
Cliché answer, but absolutely nothing. We look at our journey now seeing that each phase was preparing us for this exact moment, so that we could be strong enough to be ourselves, but also be able to tell others to do the same in a very vulnerable way. Don’t get us wrong, it hasn’t been easy, but there is something so rewarding about reaching the top of a mountain and looking down at all the obstacles you overcame.
What’s next for The Greys?
We would love to tour with someone really dope. We are beyond excited to get on the road and perform this project. We are also already working on the Album and hopefully will be dropping more music by early 2020!
Read our review of the new EP ‘Unfortunately The Response Has Been Less Than Enthusiastic’ which is out now.