· Lucy Lerner · Reviews
Valere Wraps You In Liquid Warmth With Like That
![<p>Valere wraps you in liquid warmth with Like That. The shimmering synths, gossamer vocals, and blissed-out hazy R&B feel so good to sink into. “Do you ever think about me like that?” sings Valere, the songwriter, and producer otherwise known as Shana Llorando. She sounds hurt and confused as she sings about an ex-love who […]</p>](/_image?href=https%3A%2F%2Fneonmusic.online%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F05%2FScreen-Shot-2020-05-18-at-00.10.56-compressor.jpg&w=900&h=506&f=webp)
Valere wraps you in liquid warmth with Like That. The shimmering synths, gossamer vocals, and blissed-out hazy R&B feel so good to sink into. “Do you ever think about me like that?” sings Valere, the songwriter, and producer otherwise known as Shana Llorando. She sounds hurt and confused as she sings about an ex-love who she is still lost in thought about and wonders if the feelings are reciprocated. “Am I on your radar?” The lyrics are smooth and flow in a blistering wave of sentimental overtures that are undeniably intoxicating. It creates an emotional vacuum that completely enshrouds you in a contemplative mood, one you have every reason to reside in.
Like That was that was written, recorded, and produced over just one day by Valere during 2018’s Songhubs Sphere hosted by APRA and Chelsea Jade. She says, “Initially, I only had the chorus idea, inspired by a pink sunset I saw, the painting ‘Married‘ by Dendy Sadler, and conceptually, wondering whether a love interest thought about you the same way.”
She continues, “The Songhubs session made this come alive! We were set in a beautiful studio space in Roundhead with Japanese floral dividers and a haiku coffee book we used for lyrics, and it was honestly feminine magic!”
The New Zealand based artist has hit the nail on the head with this sleek song and we can’t wait to hear more from her.