The Many Advantages Of Auto-Tune Technology

by neonmusic

28th July, 2022

The Many Advantages Of Auto-Tune Technology

Auto-tune is used widely in the music industry. Though some musicians steer away from it, others swear by it, and is often a blurred line between the two groups. Though dated technology did not allow for natural sounding edits, times have changed, and software advances mean that auto-tuning is more accessible and normal than ever. So, what are the advantages of auto-tuning, and why is it acceptable to use it? Read on to find out the answers.

What is Auto-Tune Exactly?

Auto-tune is usually software with automatic key and scale detection that facilitates the correction of singing and musical notes in terms of pitch and execution. Inevitable imperfections arise over the course of recording and producing music pieces, alongside live performances also. These imperfections can be either instrumental or vocal. Therefore, the need for corrective measures came about to replace having to completely re-record material. It saves time and money and studio resources, but it can also be used in a home setting for more novice bands and artists. It is a way to make a piece sound more professional overall.

What are the Advantages of Auto-Tune?

Auto-Tune Eliminates the Need for Re-Recording

Recording takes a lot of logistical planning, preparation, and function. A large portion of the studio budget goes on the actual process of recording songs; therefore, if edits can be made internally as opposed to physically recording separate sections, this is a clear advantage. It takes away the need to put funding where it could be spent elsewhere as editing can be done in-house by producers by using auto-tuning software.

A More Professional Output

Music comes across as more professional when it sounds neat and tidy. There is an increased chance of successful reception from listeners if the music is tight, clear, and sounds appealing. An out of tune guitar can turn ears away and detract from the whole auditory experience. Therefore, to really make a vision come to fruition, everything and anything must be put in place to fulfill that goal. Auto-tuning can correct small errors such as off-key notes, timing discrepancies, and even tempo markers.

Live Performance Perks

If a singer is having an off day, auto-tune can act as a comfort blanket during live performances. Though it cannot fix every mistake, it can be set up to support and scaffold instruments and singers who are not performing to their optimum ability. It enables a live performance to sound well put together and professional while also maintaining the integrity of the original source material. Auto-tune can be applied to every single audio component in the ensemble.

Though it may not be to everyone’s tastes and interests, auto-tune is definitely a viable solution to artist tuning, recording and performing issues. No one can deliver perfect pitch 100% of the time, and that needs to be catered to across the board. The advances in software have provided the means to keep the natural vibe of a sound without making it overly robotic – though the more traditional audio associations are still around, the focus has increasingly shifted.  

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