· Lucy Lerner · Reviews

The King’s Parade Releases The Compelling Stardust

<p>British band The King&#8217;s Parade often releases songs with that dreamy quality and Stardust is no exception with its seductive acoustics, hazy backdrop and compelling vocals. &#8220;Stardust is about losing touch with yourself. We often push ourselves to the extreme and forget to look at what’s around us. With so much going on, it’s sometimes [&hellip;]</p>

British band The King’s Parade often releases songs with that dreamy quality and Stardust is no exception with its seductive acoustics, hazy backdrop and compelling vocals.

“Stardust is about losing touch with yourself. We often push ourselves to the extreme and forget to look at what’s around us. With so much going on, it’s sometimes hard to find that point of focus and it can lead to us losing balance and falling to the wayside. It leaves us wondering: How did we get here? How did we fall?”

Stardust is beautiful, poignant and drenched with emotion. It’s an introspective piece that makes us question life.
