Mitski My Love Mine All Mine Lyrics: A Deep Dive into the Song’s Meaning and Inspiration

by Alex Harris

31st October, 2023

Mitski My Love Mine All Mine Lyrics: A Deep Dive into the Song’s Meaning and Inspiration

Genesis of My Love Mine All Mine

Mitski’s poetic prowess shines anew in her evocative track My Love Mine All Mine, from the album The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We.

Mitski The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We album cover
Mitski The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We album cover

The song, released on September 15, 2023, and produced by Patrick Hyland, is a tender exploration of love’s enduring nature amidst life’s ephemeral landscape.

Through the lens of Mitski My Love Mine All Mine lyrics, we delve deeper into the song’s thematic intricacies, its narrative genesis, and how it beautifully dovetails with the larger narrative arc of her latest album.

The conception of My Love Mine All Mine emerged from a mundane grocery store excursion, where Mitski found herself serenading the song’s chorus to escape the physical burden of the groceries she carried.

Mitski "My Love Mine All Mine"
Mitski “My Love Mine All Mine”

This spontaneous melody soon morphed into a profound reflection on love’s unyielding essence in the face of life’s transient nature.

As Mitski shared in an interview, the song encapsulates the realisation that love, being an “unlimited resource,” remains steadfast, even when everything else, including oneself, fades away.

My Love Mine All Mine Lyrics: Breakdown

My Love Mine All Mine lyrics extends a celestial metaphor, drawing a poignant parallel between the moon’s perennial glow and love’s unyielding light.

The verses evoke a tender conversation with the moon, exploring the idea of immortalizing love’s essence beyond the temporal realm.

Lyrics excerpt: Moon, tell me if I could Send up my heart to you? So, when I die, which I must do Could it shine down here with you?

The chorus of My Love Mine All Mine reiterates the inviolable bond of love, asserting that while material possessions may elude our grasp, love remains an indomitable treasure.

‘Cause my love is mine, all mine I love, my, my, mine Nothing in the world belongs to me But my love, mine, all mine, all mine

Thematic Resonance with the Album

Drawing a thematic parallel to the album, The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We, My Love Mine All Mine epitomises Mitski’s exploration of existential paradoxes.

The album delves into the dichotomy of human emotions, juxtaposing love’s limitless expanse against the finite human existence.

My Love Mine All Mine lyrics shines as a masterpiece that encapsulates hope amidst despair, and permanence amidst transience.

Production and Reception

Furthermore, Mitski’s choice of Patrick Hyland as the producer accentuates the song’s emotional resonance.

The duo’s collaborative genius has birthed a sonic landscape that complements the song’s lyrical depth, rendering My Love Mine All Mine a stirring auditory experience that lingers long after the last note fades.

The reception of My Love Mine All Mine has been overwhelmingly positive, with listeners finding solace in its melodious introspection.

The song’s intricate narrative, coupled with Mitski’s soul-stirring delivery, evokes a universal resonance that transcends musical boundaries, making My Love Mine All Mine a reflective mirror into the complexities of love and existence.

Mitski My Love Mine All Mine
Mitski My Love Mine All Mine


My Love Mine All Mine by Mitski has not only added a mesmerizing musical chapter in her discography but also continues to reverberate through the hearts of listeners, affirming love’s indomitable spirit in the face of life’s inexorable realities.

As Mitski’s narrative in My Love Mine All Mine beautifully intertwines with the broader existential explorations in The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We, it establishes a lyrical sanctuary for those seeking solace in love’s eternal embrace amidst the world’s transient endeavors.

Through the lyrics and meaning, Mitski My Love Mine All Mine, we are gently reminded of love’s boundless realm, a comforting notion that continues to resonate amidst the vast expanse of human emotions explored in her music.

My Love Mine All Mine is a profound philosophical inquiry, a celestial ode to love’s enduring essence.

Its lyrical elegance and thematic resonance are a testament to Mitski’s ability to traverse the human psyche and extract the universal truths that bind us all in the poignant melody of life and love.

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Mitski My Love Mine All Mine Lyrics

Verse 1
Moon, a hole of light
Through the big top tent up high
Here before and after me
Shinin’ down on me
Moon, tell me if I could
Send up my heart to you?
So, when I die, which I must do
Could it shine down here with you?

‘Cause my love is mine, all mine
I love, my, my, mine
Nothing in the world belongs to me
But my love, mine, all mine, all mine

Verse 2
My baby here on earth
Showed me what my heart was worth
So, when it comes to be my turn
Could you shine it down here for her?

‘Cause my love is mine, all mine
I love, my, my, mine
Nothing in the world belongs to me
But my love, mine, all mine
Nothing in the world is mine for free
But my love, mine, all mine, all mine

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