Alexa Kate to my younger self (Roses) is A Temporal Tightrope That Walks A Line Between Past and Present

by Marcus Adetola

16th July, 2024

Alexa Kate to my younger self (Roses) is A Temporal Tightrope That Walks A Line Between Past and Present

Alexa Kate’sTo My Younger Self (Roses) carves out a curious niche in the self-reflection genre.

It’s not quite a letter to the past nor a simple celebration of growth.

Alexa Kate Wishing You Well EP cover
Alexa Kate Wishing You Well EP cover

Instead, she weaves a sonic tapestry that blurs the lines between then and now, creating an oddly comforting temporal dissonance.

The track opens with piano notes that tiptoe in like cautious memories.

Alexa Kate’s voice follows, a mixture of confidence and vulnerability that perfectly captures the duality of looking back.

She doesn’t just sing to her younger self; she seems to inhabit two versions of herself simultaneously.

Alexa sidesteps the usual pitfalls of retrospection. There’s no wallowing in past mistakes or smug self-congratulation.

Instead, she offers a gentle acknowledgment of the journey, sprinkling in details that feel intimately personal yet strangely universal.

The image of roses covering her present self is particularly striking—a visual metaphor for success that’s both beautiful and slightly overwhelming.

As the song progresses, the instrumentation swells subtly, mirroring the gradual accumulation of life experiences.

It’s as if each string and synth represents a small victory or lesson learned, building to a present that’s richer and more complex than the past could have imagined.

Alexa Kate shows restraint with her vocals, resisting the urge to belt out her triumphs, instead opting for a conversational tone that draws the listener in.

It’s less “look at me now” and more “can you believe where we ended up?”

“To my younger self (Roses)” manages to be deeply personal while avoiding self-indulgence.

It’s a tricky balance, but Alexa pulls it off with a deft touch. The result is a song that feels like eavesdropping on an intimate conversation across time.

In the end, Alexa Kate has created something more nuanced than a simple feel-good anthem.

It’s a musical exploration of the gap between who we were and who we’ve become, filled with all the wonder, wistfulness, and occasional bemusement that entails.

It’s not just about reassuring your past self; it’s about reconciling the many versions of you that exist across time.

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Alexa Kate to my younger self (Roses) Lyrics

I wish the voices in your head could have been mine 
So I could tell everything will be just fine 
But that’s the kind of thing you gotta learn with time and hindsight

Little did you know when it all started 
That someday everyone would know your heart and 
Those voices in your head would draw a crowd almost every night

Sometimes I look back at pictures
and I wanna tell you 
Just let it happen at your pace 
And you’d never guess but
It’s just beginning 

If you could see me now
Covered in roses
I tried to make you proud somehow 
We’re doing better than we hoped and
I wish that I could call and tell you 
That everything you wished for, it came true
And one day they’re gonna notice you
If you could see me now

Everything you feel you’ll start to write 
You won’t worry about the darkness in the night 
But I’m glad that you don’t know that now cause I don’t want things to change
Is it crazy that sometimes I think I see you in a crowded room and I 
Just wanna run up and tell you


Wish you could see what I see 
Where I stand I’m not standing alone 
Hold on, I’ll take you places 
You never dreamed that you would have gone 
Feels like your bones are breaking
Just let them throw their sticks and stones 
‘Cause I know something that you don’t know

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