· Lucy Lerner · Reviews

Zaliza’s Little Raptures Draws You In With Its Intricacies

<p>&#8220;But I was left alone making angels in the snow&#8221; Zaliza&#8217;s Little Raptures immediately draws you in with its intricate yet soothing sound creating a blanket of warmth. There is a chiming in the background which is hypnotising and paired with repetitive lyrics and melancholic vocals it bores into your soul. &#8220;Little Raptures is a [&hellip;]</p>
Zaliza's Little Raptures Draws You In With Its Intricacies

“But I was left alone making angels in the snow”

Zaliza’s Little Raptures immediately draws you in with its intricate yet soothing sound creating a blanket of warmth. There is a chiming in the background which is hypnotising and paired with repetitive lyrics and melancholic vocals it bores into your soul.

“Little Raptures is a meditation on abandonment and choosing to find inner strength”Zaliza

A dark mood simmers amongst an experimental soundscape. There is a languid, lo-fi feel as you stretch out your limbs and get lost in the escapism that is Little Raptures.
