The Sonic Revolution: How Tommy Ashby’s Comeback Kid Transforms Our Listening Experience

by Marcus Adetola

8th September, 2023

The Sonic Revolution: How Tommy Ashby's Comeback Kid Transforms Our Listening Experience

Music has an unparalleled power. It narrates stories, conveys deep-seated emotions, and possesses the uncanny ability to transport listeners to different worlds. Through melodies and harmonies, it evokes memories, paints vivid pictures, and even alters our perception of the present. This transformative nature of music is precisely what Scottish songsmith Tommy Ashby taps into with his binaural acoustic version of Comeback Kid.

Tommy Ashby’s Comeback Kid is not merely another track from his debut album, Lamplighter. It stands as an auditory masterpiece, a sonic journey that immerses listeners in a 3D stereo field. Collaborating with the gifted Lydia Clowes, Ashby has sculpted a rendition of the song that feels both intimate and vast. Utilising a binaural head microphone, the track allows Ashby and Clowes to navigate through the stereo field, wrapping the listener in a rich tapestry of sound. It’s akin to being present with them, absorbing every note, every emotion, and every subtle movement.

The allure of Comeback Kid is twofold: its technical prowess and its profound emotional resonance. The lyrics echo sentiments of support, love, and the transformative influence of another’s presence. Lines such as “It’s ok to be afraid sometimes. Just don’t let it leave you left behind” strike a chord with listeners, offering solace and optimism. The inclusion of an additional verse, absent in the Lamplighter album version, provides the song with more space, allowing its poignant message to resonate more deeply.

Lydia Clowes’ celestial vocals harmonise seamlessly with Ashby’s, crafting a melodious blend that is simultaneously calming and invigorating. Opting to record a duet using binaural techniques was an inspired choice, gifting listeners with a singular and enveloping experience. As Ashby articulates, “It’s so intriguing to hear the two singers move around one another, occupying varying positions within the stereo field—it introduces another dimension to the music, immersing the listener in the song.”

At Neon Music, we have consistently championed Tommy Ashby, showcasing him on multiple occasions and underscoring his avant-garde approach to music. With compositions like Moonflowers, Running, and When Love Goes Dark, Ashby has repeatedly demonstrated that he is a musical tour de force.

Tommy Ashby Art cover
Tommy Ashby Art cover

Tommy Ashby’s binaural acoustic rendition of Comeback Kid transcends the boundaries of a mere song; it’s an odyssey. It stands as a testament to the profound impact of sound and the enchantment it can weave. In an era where music often fades into the background, Ashby revives its transformative essence, its capability to touch our very souls, and its potential to reshape our worldview. So, when you next don your headphones, remember: you’re not merely listening to music; you’re embarking on an expedition. And with Tommy Ashby at the helm, it promises to be an indelible one.

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