Open the Noor: The Viral Meme Explained

by Alex Harris

13th January, 2024

Open the Noor: The Viral Meme Explained


In the world of viral memes, there are few that capture the attention and imagination of internet users quite like the Open the Noor meme. This peculiar phrase, uttered by a middle-aged man in front of a Ring camera, has sparked a wave of laughter and fascination across social media platforms. In this article, we will delve into the origins of the meme, explore its various interpretations, and uncover the creative ways in which it has been transformed into hilarious and sometimes creepy content.

The Origins of the Meme

The Open the Noor meme first emerged on TikTok, where user @samantha_roseeeeeo shared a video clip in late October last year. The video featured a middle-aged man, seemingly intoxicated, repeatedly demanding “open the noor” as he stood before a Ring camera. The humour in the video is derived from the man’s alternative pronunciation of the word “door.” The clip quickly gained traction, capturing the attention of social media users who found the man’s antics both amusing and bizarre.

From Alabama to Ohio: The Spread of the Meme

Although the specific location where the video was recorded remains uncertain, the meme gained further popularity when it was shared on the YouTube channel Outside Edition. In a mock news skit, YouTuber @jimmywells96 portrayed an angry Ohio resident who wanted to leave the state because of the man recorded on his Ring camera. This portrayal led many to believe that the video originated in Ohio, when in reality, it was shot in Alabama. The confusion surrounding the location only added to the intrigue and mystique of the meme.

The Open the Noor Phenomenon

The Open the Noor meme quickly spread across social media, captivating the imagination of users who couldn’t resist creating their own versions of the video. The content of the meme has been interpreted in various ways, resulting in a plethora of hilarious and sometimes eerie memes. Let’s explore some of the notable trends that emerged from this viral phenomenon.

Breaking Bad Parodies

One of the early trends in the Open the Noor meme involved using shots of Walter Jr. from the popular TV series Breaking Bad. Internet users imagined the character saying the infamous phrase, combining the recognisable character with an unexpected and humorous utterance. These memes provided a playful twist to the original video, showcasing the creativity and wit of meme creators.

Creepy TikToks

As the meme gained momentum, some TikTok users took a more eerie approach to their interpretations. They created videos featuring young girls getting unnervingly close to security cameras, repeating the viral phrase in a creepy manner. These unsettling TikToks added a new layer of intrigue to the meme, blurring the line between humour and unease.

Relationship Parodies

Another popular trend in the Open the Noor meme involved using the video to joke about relationships. Some memes depicted girlfriends’ exaggerated reactions to their boyfriends coming home late, while others playfully portrayed the anticipation of best friends reuniting after a long time apart. These memes showcased the versatility of the original video, as it lent itself to a variety of humorous situations.

The Popularity and Impact

The Open the Noor meme has captured the attention and imagination of internet users worldwide. Its catchy phrase and quirky origin story have made it unforgettable. People on social media platforms can’t seem to get enough of it, as it continues to inspire creativity and laughter. The meme has become a cultural phenomenon, with countless users referencing and remixing it in their own unique ways.

What Does Open the Noor Mean?

The phrase open the noor itself doesn’t hold any specific meaning. It was simply a drunken mispronunciation of the word “door” by the man in the original video. However, the phrase has taken on a life of its own through the meme, becoming a symbol of humour, absurdity, and creativity.


The Open the Noor meme has carved out a special place in the annals of internet culture. Its origin as a simple video clip captured on a Ring camera has blossomed into a global phenomenon, provoking laughter and fascination among social media users. Whether you find it funny or creepy, there’s no denying the impact and popularity of this viral meme. So the next time you come across a Ring camera, remember to keep an eye out for any unexpected requests to open the noor.

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