Òlah Bliss’s Bang Bang: Unexpected Turns

by Marcus Adetola

23rd September, 2024

Òlah Bliss's Bang Bang: Unexpected Turns

Òlah Bliss takes a detour with Bang Bang, and it’s worth the listen.

Known for her R&B stylings, Bliss ventures into alt-pop/rock territory here. It’s a shift, but not a jarring one.

Her voice, always distinctive, adapts well to the new genre. It switches between soft and forceful, mirroring the song’s themes of restraint and retaliation.

Òlah Bliss Bang Bang song Artwork
Òlah Bliss Bang Bang song Artwork

The chorus is catchy:

“Bang Bang /Better shut it down / Giving me the run around (bang) / Bet it’s driving you crazy (bang bang)”

It’s upbeat, yet carries an undercurrent of defiance. You might find yourself humming it while reflecting on past relationships.

Lyrically, Bang Bang offers more than first meets the ear:

“I didn’t wanna draw the sword / But I’m a woman of my word / If you push me to the edge I’ll rise and honour what I’ve pledged”

Bliss’s pen cuts deep here, carving out a lyrical battleground where self-respect throws punches and personal boundaries draw lines in the sand.

The production marks a departure from her usual sound. It’s grittier, with a rock edge that complements her vocals nicely.

The piano melody at the end adds a touch of nuance, softening the track’s overall tone.

Bang Bang demonstrates Òlah Bliss’s versatility. She’s taken her R&B background and successfully applied it to a different genre. It’s a calculated risk that largely pays off.

This track might surprise some fans, but in a good way. For new listeners, it’s an intriguing introduction to an artist who’s not afraid to experiment.

Bang Bang shows that Òlah Bliss is evolving as an artist, exploring new sounds while maintaining her unique voice.

It’s a song that balances feel-good vibes with deeper themes, making for an engaging listen.

Whether you’re drawn to the catchy chorus or the layered lyrics, Bang Bang offers something worth coming back to.

Òlah Bliss Bang Bang Lyrics

Verse 1:
You can pick a fight, 
I’ll wave a white flag
But if we go to war 
I’m gonna strike back

So don’t cross the line (yeah)
And we’ll be just fine (yeah)
Don’t mess with my mind (yeah)
or I’ll open fire 

Bang Bang
Better shut it down 
Giving me the run around (bang)
Bet it’s driving you crazy (bang bang)
Hope your mother’s proud
Asking when I’ll come around (bang)
Go and tell her how you hate me

Oh you’re predictable 

You’re predictable, so so predictable (bang)
Should’ve seen it coming long long time ago (bang)
You can’t love me ‘cos you’re way to cynical (bang)
That’s pitiful 

Verse 2: 
I didn’t wanna draw the sword
But I’m a woman of my word
If you push me to the edge
I’ll rise and honour what I’ve pledged 


I’ll bury you 
If you throw any dirt on my name
Oh I’ll bury you
Six feet under 
I’ll be digging till 
You go to hell 

I will stand my ground 
Till the day I die 
Gonna pull the gun 
Show you I’m ‘that guy’

Bang Bang
Better shut it down 
Giving me the run around (bang)
Bet it’s driving you crazy (bang bang)
Hope your mother’s proud
Asking when I’ll come around (bang)
Go and tell her how you hate me

Oh you’re predictable 

You’re predictable, so so predictable (bang)
Should’ve seen it coming long long time ago (bang)
You can’t love me ‘cos you’re way to cynical (bang)
That’s pitiful 

Bang Bang
Better shut it down 
Giving me the run around (bang)
Bet it’s driving you crazy (bang bang)
Hope your mother’s proud
Asking when I’ll come around (bang)
Go and tell her how you hate me

Oh you’re predictable x2

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