Good Neighbours Home: The Breakout Hit That Still Resonates

by Alex Harris

24th June, 2024

Good Neighbours Home: The Breakout Hit That Still Resonates

As summer 2024 heats up, one song continues to captivate listeners months after its winter release: Home by British duo Good Neighbours.

Let’s take a fresh look at this indie rock anthem that has become the soundtrack to so many people’s lives this year.

Good Neighbours Home song cover
Good Neighbours Home song cover

Good Neighbours Home: A Stellar Debut

Good Neighbours burst onto the music scene on January 17, 2024, with their first single, Home.

The track quickly gained traction, fueled by clever pre-release promotions on TikTok.

Within weeks, it was climbing charts across Europe, peaking at #26 in the UK and reaching as high as #14 in Ireland.

For a debut single, this level of success is remarkable. It speaks to the universal appeal of the song’s themes and the skillful songwriting of Oli Fox and Scott Verill, the two artists behind Good Neighbours.

TikTok Sensation

Home quickly found its place among the most popular sad TikTok songs, with users creating emotional montages and heartfelt lip-syncs to its poignant lyrics.

While not strictly a sad song, its themes of longing and nostalgia struck a chord with the platform’s audience, who often gravitate towards music that expresses complex emotions.

Meet the Good Neighbours 

Before joining forces, Fox and Verill had already made waves in the music world individually.

Fox toured with Norwegian singer Sigrid in 2018, while Verill released music under various monikers, including Kyko, Kwassa, and Good Scott.

Notably, Verill was part of Theory of 6 Degrees, one of the youngest bands ever to grace the Glastonbury Festival stage.

Their combined experience shines through in the polished production and emotive delivery of Home.

Crafting the Sound Home

Fox and Verill not only wrote Home together but also took on production duties.

This hands-on approach allowed them to fully realise their vision for the track, blending nostalgic elements with a fresh, contemporary sound.

The result is a song that feels both familiar and exciting—a perfect recipe for a breakout hit and a staple among sad TikTok songs that resonate with millions.

Good Neighbours Lyrics that Hit Home

The lyrics of Home capture emotions filled with longing—for a place, a person, or a feeling of belonging. The lyrics paint vivid pictures of comfort and familiarity:

“It’s my mother’s cookin’ when I can’t have it
It’s the last train home from the day trippin'”

These lines evoke powerful memories for many listeners, helping explain why the song has resonated so strongly and become one of the most popular sad TikTok songs of the year.

The chorus builds on this theme with its plea:

“Darling, won’t you take me home?
Send me shivers somewhere I used to go”

It’s a sentiment that has taken on new meaning for many as we’ve moved through 2024, with people yearning for connection and stability in an ever-changing world.

A Song for All Seasons

While Home was released in the depths of winter, its appeal has only grown as we’ve moved into summer.

The track’s energetic production and uplifting message make it equally suitable for cosy nights in or sun-soaked road trips.

As we hit the midpoint of 2024, Home continues to be a fixture on radio playlists and streaming charts.

Looking Ahead

With the success of Home, all eyes are on Good Neighbours to see what they’ll do next.

Will they be able to follow up this smash hit with equally compelling music?

Only time will tell, but one thing’s certain: They’ve set a high bar for themselves with this unforgettable debut.

Listen Again

If it’s been a while since you’ve given Home a spin, why not revisit it today?

Whether you’re actually heading home or just dreaming of a place where you feel you belong, Good Neighbours’ breakout hit might be just what you need to hear.

And who knows? By the time we’re ringing in 2025, we might all be singing along to the next Good Neighbours’ chart-topper.

But for now, Home remains the song that put this promising duo on the map—and in our hearts.

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Good Neighbours Home Lyrics

Verse 1
It’s a light relief from a bad habit
It’s my mother’s cookin’ when I can’t have it
It’s the last train home from the day trippin’
It’s the place I know when I start slippin’

Darling, won’t you take me home?
Send me shivers somewhere I used to go
Wrap my name across your mouth
When I let my feelings down
Darling, won’t you take me home?
Yeah, won’t you take me

Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

Verse 2
Tell me, does your mother know? Oh
I still love you, head to toe, yeah
Like the back of my car on a sunny day
You’re the song on the radio I never play
You’re the words in my soul that I wanna say, yeah, I wanna say
So won’t you make me stay?

Won’t you take me home?
Send me shivers somewhere I used to go
Wrap my name across your mouth
When I let my feelings down
Darling, won’t you take me home?
Yeah, won’t you take me

Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

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