David Kushner Darkerside: A Gritty Reflection on Faith, Temptation, and Sonic Mastery in The Dichotomy

by Alex Harris

31st August, 2024

David Kushner Darkerside: A Gritty Reflection on Faith, Temptation, and Sonic Mastery in The Dichotomy

David Kushner doesn’t hold back. With “Darkerside,” a powerful track from his debut album The Dichotomy, he delves deep into the raw realities of faith and temptation.

David Kushner The Dichotomy album cover
David Kushner The Dichotomy album cover

But beyond the lyrical depth, there’s another layer that makes this song resonate—the music itself.

The production on “Darkerside” plays a crucial role in amplifying the emotions Kushner explores, creating a soundscape that is both haunting and compelling.

Musical Composition in “Darkerside”: Unveiling the Emotional Backbone

“Darkerside” opens with a minimalist yet striking arrangement. The track starts with a pulsing beat that immediately sets a tense, almost foreboding atmosphere.

The drumline is steady and unyielding, reflecting the relentless inner battle Kushner describes in his lyrics.

This is no accident—the rhythm mirrors the constant push and pull between light and dark, right and wrong.

The song’s instrumentation is sparse but effective. Subtle synths weave in and out, adding a layer of tension that keeps the listener on edge.

These synths don’t overwhelm; instead, they create an eerie backdrop that complements the song’s themes.

The production, led by Ojivolta., ensures that every element is finely tuned to serve the narrative.

Kushner’s vocals are front and centre, and rightly so. The production doesn’t overshadow his voice; it elevates it.

The slight echo added to his vocals enhances the feeling of isolation and introspection.

When he sings, “You bring me back to the light,” the echo lingers, much like the doubts and fears he’s grappling with.

The Production Elements of “Darkerside” by David Kushner: Crafting an Emotional Soundscape

The genius of “Darkerside” lies in its ability to balance intensity with restraint.

The song is never overproduced, allowing the emotion in Kushner’s voice to carry the weight.

The percussion is crisp, cutting through the mix with precision. It’s sharp enough to create a sense of urgency, yet controlled enough not to overshadow the lyrical content.

The bass in “Darkerside” is deep and resonant, adding a sense of gravity to the track.

It’s not just there to fill out the sound; it’s a crucial part of the emotional undertone.

The low frequencies almost feel like the darkness Kushner is describing—ever-present, hard to ignore, but always in the background.

Subtle use of reverb and delay effects creates a haunting atmosphere, particularly during the chorus.

These effects give the impression of space, making the listener feel as though they’re inside Kushner’s mind, experiencing the turmoil firsthand.

This auditory space plays into the themes of the song, amplifying the feeling of being on the edge.

Synergy of Lyrics and Music: The Core of “Darkerside”

What makes “Darkerside” so impactful is how seamlessly the music and lyrics work together.

The musical composition doesn’t just support the lyrics; it enhances them.

The tension in the beat, the eeriness of the synths, and the depth of the bass all serve to underline the song’s central conflict.

When Kushner sings about being on the edge of his darker side, you can feel that edge in the music itself.

Kushner’s quote, “The music is about my faith, but it’s also about my various experiences, dealing with the human condition and finding personal meaning that applies to everyone,” takes on a new dimension when you consider the musical choices in “Darkerside.”

Every element in the track is carefully chosen to reflect the themes of conflict and redemption, making the song not just a listening experience, but an emotional journey.

“Darkerside” Music Video: Visual Storytelling that Complements the Sound

The music video for “Darkerside” complements the song’s production with visuals that are just as stark and intense.

The use of shadows and flickering light mirrors the tension in the music.

As Kushner moves through these environments, the sound and visuals become one, creating a fully immersive experience.

The video’s use of light and dark isn’t just a visual metaphor—it’s an extension of the song’s sonic landscape.

The moments of brightness are fleeting, much like the brief moments of clarity in the music, while the shadows linger, echoing the deep bass and resonant echoes that pervade the track.

Experience “Darkerside” Live: The Dichotomy Tour

When David Kushner takes The Dichotomy on tour, “Darkerside” is bound to be a highlight.

The live setting will bring new energy to the song, with the powerful percussion and deep bass likely to hit even harder in person.

The subtle nuances in the production that might be overlooked on a recording will come to life on stage, making “Darkerside” a visceral experience for the audience.

Why “Darkerside” Resonates: The Power of Sound and Substance in David Kushner’s Music

“Darkerside” isn’t just about lyrics or melody—it’s about how every part of the song works together to create something greater.

The music, production, and vocals all converge to tell a story of struggle and redemption.

Kushner’s ability to craft a sound that is as emotionally compelling as his lyrics is what makes this track stand out in The Dichotomy.

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David Kushner Darkerside Lyrics

Verse 1
Been running too long, tryna catch my breath
There’s a war up against my heart and head
And there ain’t always blood in a fight
But you bring me back to the light
But you bring me back to the light

Oh, why? (Oh, why?), oh, why? (Oh, why?)
Am I standing on the edge of my darker side?
Oh, I (Oh, I), oh, I (Oh, I)
I know it’s so wrong, but it feels so right
Oh, my (Oh, my), oh, my (Oh, my)
There’s so many things I’m tempted by
But you bring me back to the light
Oh, my

Verse 2
I’m spiralling in and out of control
There’s a war no one sees inside my soul
The Lord exposes the deepest lies
You bring me back to the light
Yeah, you bring me back to the light

Oh, why? (Oh, why?), oh, why? (Oh, why?)
Am I standing on the edge of my darker side?
Oh, I (Oh, I), oh, I (Oh, I)
I know it’s so wrong, but it feels so right
Oh, my (Oh, my), oh, my (Oh, my)
There’s so many things I’m tempted by
But you bring me back to the light

Yeah, you bring me back to the light
You bring me back to the light
Oh, my

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