Brat Summer Is (Almost) Over—But the Brattitude Lives On

by Tara Price

19th September, 2024

Brat Summer Is (Almost) Over—But the Brattitude Lives On

It’s September, which means Brat Summer is technically winding down—but if you think brattiness dies just because fall is approaching, you’ve clearly never partied with Charli XCX fans.

Summer 2024 may have been the messy, neon-coloured, unapologetically loud season of brats, but as we move into sweater weather, the brat lifestyle isn’t going quietly.

Why would it?

With Charli XCX’s album Brat still blasting in clubs and popping off on TikTok, it’s clear this isn’t just a trend that fizzes out with the last beach party.

Let’s face it, if you’re a true brat, you’ve already planned your bratty Halloween costume and are still out there in lime green with zero regrets.

But what is Brat Summer really about, and why has it grabbed the internet by its shiny (and slightly hungover) neon horns?

How Did Brat Summer Begin?

Charli XCX set the brat ball rolling with her album Brat in June 2024.

“It’s honest, blunt, and a little bit volatile,” Charli explained in a TikTok interview about the album. She wasn’t wrong.

This wasn’t just an album; it was an attitude adjustment for a generation tired of being told to play nice.

“You’re a little messy; maybe you say dumb things sometimes, but you’re unapologetically you,” Charli continued.

Cue the birth of Brat Summer, where crying at the club is not only acceptable—it’s encouraged, as long as you’re dancing through it.

But here’s where it gets interesting: Brat Summer is more than just a seasonal aesthetic.

It’s a rebellion, an embrace of imperfection, and a call to indulge in a bit of chaos while the world expects you to play by the rules.

“It’s about owning your flaws, living loud, and not caring if anyone else gets it,” says TikTok user @keylimekiwi, sporting Brat Green nails and blasting Charli’s anthem ‘360.

Why Lime Green? And Other Burning Brat Questions

Ah yes, the eternal question—why lime green? It’s the official shade of Brat Summer, symbolising the unapologetic, eye-catching nature of the trend.

If you weren’t drenched in lime, were you even really a part of Brat Summer?

“If you haven’t seen slime green posts all over your feed, are you even online?” laughs Charli XCX in a viral interview.

But it’s more than a colour; it’s a loud middle finger to subtlety.

Green may have been just a quirky choice at first, but it became a defining symbol of this whole movement, adding an extra layer of chaotic energy to the brat aesthetic.

Brattitude: Why It’s Not Just an Aesthetic—It’s a Lifestyle

“Brattitude is about feeling like you’re the coolest person in the room, even when you’re completely falling apart,”says ZI Ying Ong, a fashion writer who dissected the trend for Vogue.

Urban Fashion Shoot with Industrial Truck
Urban Fashion Shoot with Industrial Truck

It’s a state of mind where confidence, recklessness, and a bit of self-destruction blend into one glorious mess.

The Brat Girl isn’t here to win popularity contests. She’s here to break the rules, smear some eyeliner, and take a blurry selfie while dancing at 3 a.m. in a dingy club.

But don’t confuse this with mindless rebellion. It’s not about acting out for the sake of it; it’s about being real—even when it’s not pretty.

It’s like saying, ‘Yeah, I’m a little bit of a mess. What of it?’” explains Charli.

And let’s not forget the real core of brattitude—your friends. “You don’t do brat summer alone,” says TikTok creator @brianaandalore.

“It’s all about rolling deep with your ride-or-dies, hyping each other up, and laughing at the chaos you create together.”

If you didn’t swap chaotic late-night voice notes with your besties about your misadventures, you missed the whole point.

Is Brat Summer Over? Maybe, But Its Spirit Isn’t Going Anywhere

Black and White Photo of a Woman Looking Over Shoulder
Black and White Photo of a Woman Looking Over Shoulder

It’s mid-September now, and as the leaves turn golden, you’d think Brat Summer would be packed away like your neon crop tops. But no one told Charli XCX fans that.

On Twitter (or whatever we’re calling it these days), the brats are still posting, still thriving, and still clinging to that messy, free-spirited attitude, now rebranded as “Brat Fall” by some particularly devoted fans.

“Brat Summer might be winding down, but the brattitude? That’s eternal,” said one fan at Charli’s concert in Detroit, holding a neon green sign that read “BRAT 4 LYFE.”.

The Anti-Demure: Why Some Can’t Let Go

As “demure” fall trends creep in, with TikTokers suddenly ditching messy vibes for soft pastels and quiet evenings in, it’s clear Brat Summer is the ultimate antithesis to what comes next.

“Brat Summer is loud, bold, and unapologetic, while Demure Fall is all about cutesy restraint,” explains TikTok influencer Jools Lebron, who has been dissecting the rise of this polar opposite aesthetic.

But just because some people are ready to trade in their bratty chaos for a life of soft pinks and structured outfits doesn’t mean the brat lifestyle has to go anywhere.

“I ride for you, Charli,”Lorde famously said on Charli’s remix of ‘Girl, so confusing,’ affirming that true brats don’t leave each other behind.

The Takeaway: Brattitude for Life

So, is Brat Summer really over? Technically, sure. But for those who get it, it was never just about the season.

It’s about embracing chaos, living unapologetically, and owning the mess that comes with being you.

As Charli XCX herself says, “It’s not about doing things perfectly. It’s about showing up, flaws and all, and loving yourself through it.”

Keep wearing lime green. Keep dancing at the club until they turn the lights on.

And keep reminding everyone around you that being a brat isn’t just a vibe—it’s a way of life.

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