Ashley Elle’s Somebody’s Somebody: A Vivid Journey Of Heartache and Self-Discovery

by Marcus Adetola

21st July, 2023

Ashley Elle's Somebody's Somebody: A Vivid Journey of Heartache and Self-Discovery

Indie-pop sensation Ashley Elle has certainly staked her claim in the world of heartrending music narratives with her latest track, Somebody’s Somebody. This ’80s-influenced pop ballad, co-written and expertly produced by Cazz Brindis, is a visceral and introspective exploration of the human yearning for attention, the anticipation of disappointment, and the celebration of the carefree spirit of nightlife.

In true Elle style, the narrative revolves around a seemingly common scenario: dressing up for a night out with high hopes of running into that special someone, only to witness them in the arms of another. Through this canvas of hope and heartbreak, Elle has artistically managed to convey both the universal anticipation of human interactions and the searing disappointment when things go awry.

There’s a remarkable honesty in the lyrics that resonates throughout the track. Lines like, “Put on my red lipstick / Tore up my whole closet / Trying to find that shirt / That you liked last time” and “Her hands in your hair / As I stand and I stare / Thinking I don’t wanna be here,” paint a poignant picture of a young woman grappling with her emotions in an atmosphere laden with music, chaos, and unfulfilled desires.

Elle’s vocals are exceptionally evocative, echoing with raw pain and a potent sense of realism that deeply immerses the listener in her world. Her voice does more than just narrate; it vividly illustrates every emotion, every insecurity, and every unspoken longing that the lyrics aim to express.

The production by Cazz Brindis is seamless, creating an enchanting sonic landscape that complements the roller coaster of emotions delivered by Elle’s sincere lyrics. The ’80s pop influence is a clever touch, blending seamlessly with contemporary sounds to create a nostalgic yet modern sonic experience that’s both fresh and familiar.

Somebody’s Somebody is the kind of track that simultaneously speaks to the part of us that’s been bruised by love and to the part that remains hopeful despite it all.

Ashley Elle has gifted us a vibrant pop anthem about yearning, disappointment, and the power of self-discovery. A reminder to all of us: While we might be anxious at the back of the party, we can also find solace in the music and in being our own ‘somebody.’

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