· Darrell Smith · Featured · Reviews
An Emotionally Charged New Release From Vargas & Lagola ft. Ludwig Göransson
![<p>This track, highly inspired by works of the ’80s is a phenomenal addition to the new music already seen in the early days of this new decade. This is a dramatic track, charged with emotion and extreme musical prowess, the addition of a soaring guitar solo from Ludwig Göransson further adding fuel to this already […]</p>](/_image?href=https%3A%2F%2Fneonmusic.online%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F01%2Fvargas.jpg&w=900&h=506&f=webp)

This track, highly inspired by works of the ’80s is a phenomenal addition to the new music already seen in the early days of this new decade. This is a dramatic track, charged with emotion and extreme musical prowess, the addition of a soaring guitar solo from Ludwig Göransson further adding fuel to this already raging bonfire.
Salem Al Fakir and Vincent Pontare, otherwise known by their alter egos Vargas & Lagola, are certainly used to delivering spectacular music. The Swedish songwriters and producers have over 8 billion streams attached to their music and have written music for the likes of Katy Perry, David Guetta, and Madonna.
Their influences see no bounds, with out of the box experimentation and an ability to infuse different styles to create some truly original music.
Released on January 10th, ‘Somebody That Understands Me’ is already gaining a huge amount of attention, and all of it is warranted.
A beautiful 12 string guitar opens the song, the extra strings further supplementing the dynamics of the soundscape.
“We wanted to make a classic 12 string rock ballad in our own way.
The plan that day was actually to write a song for Post Malone, but
when we started with the guitar riff we got a bit carried away and it
took a whole other direction.”
Then the deep bass hits, resounding amongst the mix with a vibe reminiscent of something by the likes of Magic Sword. The lower frequencies never muddy the production. This is a skillfully produced piece of music, with all the instrumentation working in unison to elegant effect.
Lyrically, this a very hopeful piece of music, and portrays a vital message in a world gone more than a little topsy turvy.
“It’s about finding those rare people in life who truly understand you for who you are, even though you don’t fit in the mold.
It’s not an easy thing.”
Ludwig Göransson, highly praised for his work with Childish Gambino and the Marvel Black Panther movie presents a stunning guitar solo, demonstrating his technical prowess across the neck of his instrument. The speed and choice of techniques was a pleasant one, starting somewhat soulfully and sentimental, before quickly applying speed and dexterity to further add to the emotion on display.
This is a beautiful track, sure to receive even further praise and is a perfect introduction to the new album set to release on January 31st.