Aisha Badru Boundaries: A Musical Microsphere for Introspection and Rebellion

by Marcus Adetola

30th July, 2024

Aisha Badru Boundaries: A Musical Microsphere for Introspection and Rebellion

Imagine a world where silence is the new platinum record. Aisha Badru’s new single Boundaries might just be the underground hit of that alternate universe.

Aisha Badru Boundaries song cover
Aisha Badru Boundaries song cover

This Nigerian-American artist isn’t shouting from rooftops or blasting through speakers. Instead, she’s inviting us to eavesdrop on her quiet rebellion.

On Boundaries, Badru’s ethereal voice floats through a minimalist landscape of acoustic guitar and whispered percussion, delivering a message that feels almost illicit in our hyper-connected age: it’s okay to disconnect.

With lyrics that read like a to-do list for the overwhelmed introvert, Badru challenges the notion that constant availability equals success.

She turns “I’d rather be alone” into a rallying cry for the burnout generation, making solitude sound downright revolutionary.

This track’s power lies in its ability to make listeners question why they’re listening to music in the first place.

Is it background noise for productivity? A distraction from discomfort? Badru suggests a radical alternative: music as a tool for presence and introspection.

Boundaries is defiantly small. It’s a musical microsphere, inviting listeners to shrink their world down to the size of a bathtub, a cup of tea, a moment of genuine peace.

This beautiful song a permission slip to put your life on pause, even if just for three minutes and forty-two seconds.

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Aisha Badru Boundaries Lyrics

I’d rather be alone
Spend the weekend at home
Turn off my phone
Light some sage, run a bath
Make some tea and relax
Silence at last

I’ve been feeling overstimulated
This non-stop pace is so overrated
I need some time to myself
Prioritize my health
I wish you well

But, I’d rather be alone
Spend the weekend at home
Turn off my phone
Light some sage, run a bath
Make some tea and relax
Silence at last

I’ve been feeling unappreciated
My energy is slowly degrading
I need some time to unwind
Get in touch with the divine
Quiet my mind

Yeah, yeah, yeah

I’d rather be alone (ahh, ahh)
I’d rather be alone (ahh, ahh)

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