Unplug, Unwind, Uplift with Back To Earth by Julia Kahn

by Marcus Adetola

17th May, 2024

Unplug, Unwind, Uplift with Back To Earth by Julia Kahn

Julia Kahn’s Back To Earth is like a warm hug, inviting us to let go of societal pressures for perfection and instead lovingly accept ourselves, delicious flaws and all.

This electro-pop gem doesn’t merely serenade our eardrums; it catalyses an internal alchemy, transmuting societal pressures into a liberating dance of self-acceptance.

Julia Kahn Back To Earth song cover
Julia Kahn Back To Earth song cover

Julia Kahn’s warm vocals caress our souls like a tender embrace, enticing us to shed the shackles of comparison and rediscover our authentic selves.

The airy instrumentation swirls around us, conjuring an atmosphere akin to a verdant meadow where we can frolic, unencumbered by the weight of expectations.

The lyrics, a poetic incantation, resonate with a universal yearning for inner freedom.

Julia Kahn’s words are not mere verses; they are a clarion call, urging us to “sit down with earth” and heed her wisdom.

In a world that relentlessly peddles perfection, this song whispers a potent truth: “We don’t need more perfect people; we just need to feel enough.”

With each chorus, Back To Earth becomes a mantra, a rhythmic affirmation that we are enough, just as we are.

Julia Kahn’s euphonic chant dissolves the illusion of inadequacy, inviting us to unfurl our wings and soar amid the whirlwind of life’s challenges.

In an era where music often echoes the cacophony of our modern lives, Back To Earth stands as a restorative oasis, a sanctuary where we can bask in the simple joy of being.

Julia Kahn’s composition reminds us that true revolution lies not in external pursuits but in the quiet acceptance of our inherent worth.

So, dance, sway, and let this electrifying anthem wash over you, for Back To Earth is more than a song; it’s a portal to a world where self-love reigns supreme and the pursuit of perfection yields to the blissful embrace of being enough.

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Julia Kahn Back to Earth Lyrics

I was yearning for inner-freedom 
as if I’m not the one holding the keys
Stuck in comparison for so long
Almost forgot 
What it means to be me

So I sat down with earth
Oh and let her speak
Yeah I sat down with earth
Oh and she said 

We don’t need more perfect people
We just need you to feel enough
We don’t need more perfect people
We just need to feel enough
We don’t need more perfect people
We just need to feel enough
We don’t need more perfect people
We just need to feel…

I was searching for revolution
Somewhere inside a breeze
Inside of me
Stuck in the whirlwind of falling
Almost forgot I could use these wings

We don’t need more perfect people
We just need you to feel enough
We don’t need more perfect people
We just need to feel enough
We don’t need more perfect people
We just need to feel enough
We don’t need more perfect people
We just need to feel…

We don’t need more perfect people
We just need you to feel enough
We don’t need more perfect people
We just need to feel enough
We don’t need more perfect people
We just need to feel enough
We don’t need more perfect people
We just need to feel enough

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