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TikTok Slang 101: What Do Opps and Opp Mean and How to Use Them

<p>&#8220;Opp&#8221; is TikTok slang for &#8220;opponent&#8221; or &#8220;opposition,&#8221; evolving from gang and rap culture to a playful jab at rivals or haters. Learn how to use opp correctly across social platforms like Snapchat and Instagram, and understand its deeper roots in African-American Vernacular English (AAVE). Stay ahead with this TikTok slang guide.</p>

You down with O.P.P.?

Let’s set the record straight: If you’re still thinking about Naughty by Nature’s O.P.P., it might be time to refresh your slang knowledge.

While the 1991 track was a hit, the term opp has evolved significantly, especially on platforms like TikTok.

These days, opp carries far more punch than simply referring to “Other People’s Property.”

In 2024, opp and opps have become part of everyday internet jargon.

So, what does opp actually mean today, and how can you use it without sounding like you’re still stuck in the 90s?

Let’s delve into the roots, evolution, and why opps are suddenly everywhere on your For You Page (FYP).

What Do Opps and Opp Mean on TikTok?

At its core, opp is an abbreviation for opponent or opposition, but on TikTok, its meaning has expanded.

The modern-day opp refers to anyone who is not on your side, but with a twist of internet flair.

  • Everyday Use on TikTok: On TikTok, opp is used to describe anyone standing in your way—whether they’re a rival in a dance challenge, someone throwing shade in your comments, or just a mate who didn’t share their fries. In this more playful context, opp can be both serious and light-hearted depending on how it’s used​.
  • Origins in Street and Gang Culture: The term opp didn’t originate on TikTok. Its roots lie in gang culture, particularly in Chicago, where it referred to a rival or an enemy. In this context, opp carries a lot more weight, often used to describe someone in direct conflict, sometimes even referring to the police​​. While TikTok has transformed the term, it’s important to recognise its deeper, more dangerous connotations.

What About O.P.P.? The Generational Shift

For those who remember Naughty by Nature’s O.P.P., the acronym stood for “Other People’s Property,” a cheeky reference to infidelity, whether it was someone’s partner or their time and attention​.

The song uses the acronym O.P.P. to stand for Other People’s Py (for men) or Other People’s Ps (for women).

According to Treach, the term took inspiration from the neighbourhood they grew up in, where they frequently used the abbreviation ‘OPM’ to refer to Other People’s Money.

It was playful, catchy, and wildly popular. But things have shifted. In 2024, opp refers to enemies, haters, and rivals, often without the light-hearted fun.

TikTok has taken the term and rebranded it. While it can still refer to serious opposition in some contexts, today it’s more likely to be used casually, even sarcastically, in everyday scenarios like roasting a mate or calling out someone who ghosted you.

For those unfamiliar with the term’s origins, there’s a noticeable shift from its playful past to its more flexible, sometimes menacing, modern usage.

This shift mirrors how internet culture, particularly platforms like TikTok, have given old slang new meanings.

From Rap to TikTok: How Opp Evolved

Rap and drill music, particularly from artists in Chicago, have long been associated with the term opp.

In these genres, opp refers to literal enemies—people on the “opposite” side of a rivalry or conflict​.

When Drake sings about “talking to the opps next for me” in his hit Rich Flex, he’s referencing his adversaries, those who stand in his way​.

But when TikTok users pick up the term, it becomes less about real conflict and more about banter or mild annoyance.

That mate who didn’t tag you in their viral video? An opp. The ex who blocked you on Instagram? Definitely an opp.

On TikTok, being an opp doesn’t necessarily carry the same weight it does in rap lyrics.

Still curious about how slang evolves? Check out this detailed breakdown on how social media transforms language.

The Cultural Influence of AAVE (African-American Vernacular English)

Like many popular slang terms, opp has roots in African-American Vernacular English (AAVE).

It’s important to acknowledge that terms from AAVE, such as opp, often find their way into mainstream culture via music and social media​.

However, they sometimes lose their original cultural significance in the process.

In its original form, opp was used to describe a rival or someone on the opposite side of a conflict.

Police Officers Arresting a man
Police Officers Arresting a man

“Opps” can also stand for either “opposition” or “cops.” Certain gangs, particularly those affiliated with the Bloods, avoid words containing “c” as a mark of rivalry with the Crips.

Thus, “Compton” transforms into “Bompton,” and “cops” become “ops.” This slang originates from old-school gang culture

On platforms like TikTok, its meaning has been diluted. It’s crucial to understand the depth of these terms, especially if you’re using them outside their original context.

How Opp Is Used on Other Platforms: Snapchat vs Instagram

While TikTok is the birthplace of opp in the context of viral videos, the term has jumped across platforms like Snapchat and Instagram, taking on different shades of meaning depending on where you find it.

  • On Snapchat: Here, opp often refers to someone who ghosted you after days of Snapchat streaks, or worse, someone who left you on “read.” It’s used casually to label those who annoy or betray you in minor, everyday ways​.
  • On Instagram: Instagram sees opp used more ironically. Influencers and users often call out trolls or haters in their comment sections as opps. It’s a playful jab rather than a serious accusation, showing off confidence against criticism.

Using Opp Without Being an Opp Yourself

So, how do you actually use opp like a pro? You don’t want to be labelled an opp for using the term incorrectly, right?

Here’s how to throw it into your TikTok vocabulary without overdoing it:

  1. To Call Out Haters: “The opps can keep hating, but I’m still winning.” #Winning #OppAlert
  2. When a Friend Crosses You: “She finished the last slice of pizza—certified opp behaviour.” #OppVibes
  3. After Winning a TikTok Challenge: “Just beat the opps—what can I say? Victory tastes sweet.” #FlexOnTheOpps​.

The trick to using opp effectively is not to take it too seriously. It’s a versatile term that, when used right, adds a playful sting to your posts.

Just remember—opps can be anyone from an ex to a rival, but not everyone who annoys you is an opp. Sometimes they just had a bad day.

Wrapping Up: Are You Down with Opp Now?

There you have it. Whether you’re defending yourself in a TikTok beef or casually labelling your mate an opp for eating your food, you now know what opp means, how it’s used, and why it’s become so popular.

The term has its roots in rap, street culture, and AAVE, and while it may have evolved into a playful TikTok meme, it’s always good to understand where these slang words come from.

Now go forth and use opp like the internet-savvy legend you are. Just don’t forget—sometimes an opp is just someone who forgot to text you back.

For more on modern slang, check out Urban Dictionary’s evolving definitions.

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