Golden Caress: Ashlynn Malia’s Midas Weaves Lust Into Lustrous Melodies

by Marcus Adetola

16th October, 2023

Golden Caress: Ashlynn Malia’s Midas Weaves Lust into Lustrous Melodies

Ashlynn Malia, the burgeoning Los Angeles-based artist who previously dropped the captivating trackCool Girl, has spun her Midas touch with her latest single, Midas. This sultry piece transcends the mundane, navigating the lustrous avenue between desire and myth with a finesse that’s as rare as gold.

Midas features a lush landscape of longing painted with a palette of vibrant sonic hues. The narrative is an intimate whisper in the ear of mythology, evoking the golden touch of Midas as a metaphor for a desire that’s both royal and fervent. With lyrics that are as playful as they are profound, Malia invites us into a realm where attraction and desire have the power to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

The sonic texture of Midas is a tapestry of warm synths and rhythmic pulses, each beat a heartbeat in this living, breathing entity of a song. The synth melody, akin to a modern-day lyre, entices the listener into a dance of imagination. It’s a spirited composition that doesn’t just stop at being catchy; it resonates with the rhythm of our own desires. The lively beat is a heartbeat accelerating with each tender metaphor and seductive proposal voiced in the song.

And then there’s the silken caress of Malia’s ethereal vocals. They aren’t just sung, but seemingly exhaled, wrapping around the melody like a lover’s embrace. The sultriness in her tone renders Midas a sensory voyage. It’s a sweet serenade that glides smoothly over the robust landscape of sound, a juxtaposition that’s as titillating as the tale of longing it narrates.

Ashlyn Malia Midas song cover
Ashlyn Malia Midas song cover

Midas is an experience, a modern-day ode to desire that’s as ancient as the myths it references. It’s a golden ticket to a realm where every beat is a caress, every lyric a kiss, and every note a touch of gold.

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