Charlie Houston Pink Cheetah Print Slip: Heartbreak Anthem

by Marcus Adetola

29th July, 2024

Charlie Houston Pink Cheetah Print Slip: Heartbreak Anthem

Charlie Houston’sPink Cheetah Print Slip explodes like a glitter bomb at a punk rock show.

Charlie Houston Pink Cheetah Print Slip song cover
Charlie Houston Pink Cheetah Print Slip song cover

This queer break-up anthem yanks at heartstrings with the force of a runaway train.

Houston’s delicate vocals belie the razor-sharp wit of her lyrics, serving up a delicious cocktail of spite and self-assurance.

The track kicks off with a wry declaration that sets the tone for what’s to come.

The music explodes into life, delivering a sonic sucker punch that combines quirky charm with raw energy—that’s the vibe.

It’s an infectious musical Molotov cocktail you can’t avoid.

Charlie Houston’s tale of romantic woe with her ex-girlfriend leaving her for a dude in a band is as relatable as it is specific.

The lyrics drip with the kind of venom that only comes from a freshly broken heart. 

“I hope he’s shit on stage and all his songs sound the same.”

It’s the kind of line that makes you wince and grin simultaneously.

But it’s not all bitter pills. There’s a defiant swagger to Houston’s delivery that turns this break-up song into an empowerment anthem.

When she sings “He could never compare to me,” you can’t help but believe her.

It’s the musical equivalent of flipping the bird while strutting away in slow motion.

The instrumentation is a perfect match for Houston’s lyrical fireworks.

Lively guitar riffs dance around punchy drums, creating an infectious energy that’s impossible to ignore.

Pink Cheetah Print Slip offers a cathartic experience, capturing the messy, complicated emotions of a break-up and transforming them into three minutes of pure, unadulterated fun. 

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Charlie Houston Pink Cheetah Print Slip Lyrics

I know you’re gonna miss this

I’ve had enough 
Never thought you’d be with him 
You’re dressing up 
The same way that you always did

Pink cheetah print slip
Now you want dick 
Not one to talk shit 
But I know your gonna miss this

You’re getting mid head 
How’s it feel to play pretend 
When you’re lying in his bed 
I know gonna miss this

I know your type 
Existential Rockstar indie boy look alike 
I hope he’s shit on stage 
And all his songs sound the same

Cause I know you know 
He could never compare to me 
When he leaves you alone 
Don’t try crawling back to me

I’ve had enough 
Never thought you’d be with him 
You’re dressing up 
The same way that you always did

Pink cheetah print slip
Now you want dick 
Not one to talk shit 
But I know your gonna miss this

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