Ava Like Lava’s 90’s Anxiety: Nostalgic Beacon For A Disoriented Generation

by Marcus Adetola

16th June, 2023

Ava like Lava's 90's Anxiety: Nostalgic Beacon for a Disoriented Generation

In a world that’s rapidly evolving and throwing curveballs at every turn, the invigorating new track 90’s Anxiety by Ava like Lava and Imanemun emerges as a beacon of solace, wrapping listeners in a cocoon of nostalgia while simultaneously exploring the intricate complexities of modern living.

Unfurling a tapestry of old-school hip-hop and R&B, this bilingual fusion song is like a love letter penned to the ’90s, steeped in an undertone of contemporary concerns. It’s the smooth and soulful vocals of Ava like Lava, harmonising with Imanemun’s nimble, rapid-fire Persian rap, that steal the show. Their synergy creates a magnetic atmosphere, drawing you into their world, one verse at a time.

90’s Anxiety captures the collective disillusionment of the generation raised in the ’90s, now standing on the precipice of adulthood, facing a world in flux. The lyrics tread a path less travelled, delving into poignant discussions about mental health, identity, culture, technology, climate issues, collective consciousness, and societal vices.

Ava like Lava

The song isn’t just a critique of the present but a heartfelt homage to the culture of the ’90s. It’s a melange of references, from taking tequila shots and experimenting with 2C – a psychedelic drug, to the iconic horror movie, The Hill’s Got Eyes. Such elements are not merely nostalgic touches but underline the gritty realities of their youthful past.

The instrumentals forge a soundscape that vividly captures the pulse of teenage angst unique to the ’90s. A languid mid-tempo beat marries with synth pads, evocative guitar riffs, and vocal samples to create a track that’s equal parts angst-ridden and soothing.

90’s Anxiety is more than just a song; it’s a zeitgeist encapsulated in a musical narrative. It resonates with anyone feeling adrift in this bewildering modern world, comforting and empowering them with shared roots and memories.

As an anthem of nostalgia, a rallying cry for the modern age, and an irresistible tune, 90’s Anxiety by Ava like Lava and Imanemun is the track you didn’t know you needed. Dive in for an experience that’s as nostalgic as it is empowering—you won’t regret it. Get ready to hit repeat because this is one tune that’s going to linger on your playlist and in your mind. 90’s Anxiety is the Lead single from Ava’s upcoming EP Malice In Wonderland.

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